Go Kart center Podgorica

Karting Center Podgorica is the first sports facility of its kind in Montenegro, the most modern in the region.It is located on the main road Podgorica – Cetinje, in the town of Liješnje. It provides an adrenaline experience for recreational and professional drivers, as well as organized groups. We welcome everyone who wants to experience […]
Booking and Airbnb offers of private accomodation

Kompletnu ponudu privatnog smještaja u Podgorici možete pogledati na Booking-u klikom na link. Kompletnu ponudu privatnog smještaja u Podgorici možete pogledati na AirBnb-u klikom na link.
Orthodox Cathedral of Resurrection of Christ

Temple of the Resurrection of Christ in Podgorica, with it`s monumental, architectural and artistic value, is a unique , new, religious building.
The Music Center of Montenegro

The Music Center of Montenegro, founded in 2006, is a top-level institution for music culture and art.
Wine Cellar – Plantaže 13. jul

One of the largest and most beautiful vineyards in Europe, covering an area of 2,300 hectares, with approximately 11.5 million vines.
The fifteenth UnderhillFest

Petnaesti UnderhillFest – međunarodni festival dokumentarnog filma biće otvoren 12. juna 2024. godine na Košarkaškom terenu Dragan Ivanović u Njegoševom parku u Podgorici kada će biti prikazan film “Mi nemamo drugu zemlju”, koji je režirao kolektiv izraelskih i palestinskih filmskih stvaralaca – Basel Adra, Hamdan Ballal, Yuval Abraham i Rachel Szor. Na 15. UnderhillFestu, koji će […]
The sixth edition of the Rockstrictija festival

The performance “We tried, watch”

The repeat performance of the play “We tried, watch” of Dodest’s acting workshop will be organized on Sunday, June 9, in the Dodest hall, from 8 p.m.
Children’s Masquerade Ball “World of Children’s Imagination”

Ju “Children’s Alliance” Podgorica, under the auspices of the Capital City, on Saturday, June 8, on Independence Square, organizes a large children’s masquerade ball at the beginning of 6:00 p.m., called “The World of Children’s Imagination”.
Sastavci beach