Spoken word concert by the famous Austrian writer Robert Prosser and drummer Lan Štiker

In cooperation with the Austrian Embassy in Montenegro, in KIC “Budo Tomović”, on Thursday, May 16, a spoken word concert of the famous Austrian writer Robert Prosser and drummer Lan Štiker, a duo known as Drumbadur, will be organized. The program will be held in the DODEST hall starting at 8 p.m. The performance of Robert Prosser on the microphone and Lan Štiker on the drums is called “Lost in Avalanches”, after Prosser’s novel of the same name, on which it is based. It is about an excellent combination of literature and music, which in the last year caused great attention of the audience in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. For the needs of non-German speaking audiences, the text has been translated and subtitled. As a group, DRUMBADUR is known for pursuing a radical form of storytelling. Through spoken word and rhythms, equally funky and solid energy is delivered, reduced to the greatest freedom for rhythm and voice. Whether it’s improvisation or dance rhythm, special attractiveness happens in direct contact with the audience. Without a single superfluous word or beat, DRUMBADUR offers an extraordinary blend of music and literature, such as performance, ritual and recitation. Robert Prosser was born in 1983. He lives and works in Alpbach/Tyrol and in Vienna. He studied comparative literature and anthropology, traveled from Asia to Africa. Performer and writer, previously active in rap and graffiti, as well as moderator and curator (for “Babelsprech” – a platform for contemporary poetry). Research and stage adaptations in the form of recitation or performance are significant for his artistic work. Publications include the novel “Ajmo habibi” (Ullstein fünf, 2019) and the report Summer in Beirut (Clever, 2020). Winner of various awards and scholarships, writer in residence of One World Foundation in Sri Lanka 2020, Literarisches Colloquium Berlin 2014, Reinhard Priessnitz Award 2014. His novel Phantoms (Ullstein fünf, 2017) was nominated for the German Literary Prize. Lan Štiker was born in 1995 in St. Jakob, Rosenthal/Šentjakob in Rož. He studied jazz drums at the Anton Bruckner University in Linz. He has played with famous musicians such as Skúli Sverrisson, Peter Herbert, Primus Sitter and Tonč Feinig, and is active as a live and studio drummer in various bands (eg Delta Concept, Kit Cut, Oh Alien). KIC “BUDO TOMOVIĆ”


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