Children’s Masquerade Ball “World of Children’s Imagination”

JU “Children’s Alliance” Podgorica, under the auspices of the Capital City, on Saturday, June 8, on Independence Square, is organizing a large children’s masquerade ball starting at 6 p.m., called “The World of Children’s Imagination”.

Elementary school students from Podgorica and Tivat will participate in the masked ball. The parade of masks will be led by the mazurettas of the dance studio “Belisima” from Tivat, which will move through Independence Square. The program will be complemented by a rich cultural and entertainment program. Program leader Davor Dragojević, drama artist.

At the end of the program, the best masks will be announced in the category of the best, most original and most imaginative mask, as well as 50 special prizes. The masks will be evaluated by a three-member jury composed of academic painters.

The first prize in all three categories is a seven-day stay in the children’s resort on Verusha.


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